Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Coolest Wife Ever

Okay Who is Rodzilla….check
Who is (im)deebers….check
Who is “The Red Rider”….Pending…

She still hasn’t formally introduced herself yet to the blog, but she promises she will. And this is just a quick blog about how cool she is.

Sure normally we blog about rides, and all things dealing with riding. However in this post, I wanted to appeal to a little different audience. In an effort to break 200 page views (would be cool to come back to this 200 goal with a million visits at some point way in the future) I am attempting to appeal to that HGTV / Trading Spaces demographic.

The Dilemma.
When I had a sub $2k bike, I was fine leaving it in the garage hanging on a hook like a side of beef. There it hung next to the huffys and princess bikes, and the trailer bike and I never once thought or worried about anyone ever taking it.

Well as some of you know I recently upgraded to a beautiful Cannondale Super Six a.k.a (Super Six), and short of offering my first born and making a side deal with the devil I really had to scrap, save, steal and borrow to afford this beauty

Suddenly the thought of leaving the Super Six in the garage, alone and in the dark, cold unsecured space I felt more comfortable bringing it indoors.  So there it sat in the laundry room, with our coats and shoes until the unspeakable happened.

I came home one day to find Super Six on its side as if wounded and laying on the ground bleeding. Well this will not do, This will not stand, ya know, this aggression will not stand, man. So I moved it into the bedroom. The thought of a scratch was the equivalent of painting a mustache on the Mona Lisa. 

The Argument
Will the Red Rider wasn’t real excited having a Super Six leaning against the dresser, especially since it was her dresser, and she had to move it every time she needed something. ………..

Well her bike, a.k.a, “The Dream-cicle” you can see why it got its name. Also hung in the garage, a good 12 feet from the ground. After several fall rides and no Rodzilla to hang it, the Dream-cicle began finding itself in the bedroom as well.

The coolest wife ever (The Solution)
As you can see we found solution that we both agreed was great. How cool is that, I now have two of my favorite things in my bedroom to view before I close my eyes, and first thing when I wake up. The Red Rider certainly gets a thumbs way up for this move.

(To be fair, I did have to agree to a couple of Honey Do’s around the house – painting, wiring, etc. )

Urban Dictionary Defines Honey Do’s
Chores assigned by ones mate (usually wife). This list normally includes household chores or errands and typically are assigned at the most innnoportune moments (ie: Sports event, relax time, vacations or days off, snow days, etc..). Also can be a bribe for sex...
Example from UD: I'd love to go to the bar with you fellas but the old lady has a bunch of honey do's for me. She needs the gutters cleaned, leaves raked, leaky faucet fixed, and a box of tampons.


  1. Alright, it took me several takes to spot the dude hiding on the couch. Good stuff there. Props to Red Rider (whoever you are) for giving Rodney's SS the protection & care it deserves. If I understand correctly he hasn't taken it out for a ride since before St Patrick's Day, good thing it's not still blocking your dresser.

  2. Red Rider aka Best Wife Ever - reporting in. It took me sevearl minutes to see the guy in camo on the couch. Thank goodness Rodzilla doesn't wear camo, nor do we have floral couches. My only comment on this is to say that it was, in deed, my idea to hang the bikes as mod wall art - much to the happiness of my husband. I guess I am the greatest wife ever! :)

  3. So awesome. I must admit, I saw: Blog Post, Rodzilla, and something about biking. I thought - can this really be good? I mean it didn't say anything about fantasy sports, marketing, or sitcoms, but I thought I would be nice and pretend to read a few lines. So, I stand corrected - nice writing Hot Rod! And Kerri...urr Red Rider (aka BWE) - your positive influence can't be missed!
